Somato Respiratory Integration

Founder and developer of both Network Spinal Care and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI), Dr. Donald Epstein, has observed that as we proceed through our healing process we move through different stages of healing (or consciousness). Each stage is characterized by certain breath patterns, movements, sounds and touch. Stages range from Discovering (stages one to three), to Transformation (stages four to seven), and to Awakening to your connection to others and humanity (stages eight through to twelve). One stage becomes the precursor to the next, like a rite of passage, each one bringing more depth and meaning to the experience of our healing journey.

SRI exercises involve specific breath, movement and voice patterns. By matching our breath, movement and voice to one stage and embodying the energy of that stage it helps facilitate the advancement to further stages. Overall, each SRI exercise helps you to gain the wisdom of each stage, and transform our old patterns of suffering into empowerment and resolution.

What are the benefits to learning SRI?

  • Gain a greater ability to effectively dissolve and eliminate stress.
  • Helps you become more aware of different stages that arise during Network care and their effective resolution.
  • Allows you to find peace within.
  • Increases flexibility, breath and movement in your body, and in your life.
  • Accelerates the progress through the three levels of Network care (from Basic to Intermediate, and Advanced Care).
  • Gives you skills you can use on a daily basis.
  • Use of the body as a vehicle for wisdom and illumination.
  • Discover, transform and awaken your body’s rhythm for personal healing and empowerment.

How is it done?

Through one-on-one instruction, you will be educated on and experience this powerful healing modality. Through focused attention, gentle breath, movement, self dialogue and touch, SRI educates you to your body’s rhythms and inner wisdom. You will learn how to recognize what stage you are at and how to move into the next stage of healing or consciousness, what breath or movement to use with each stage, and what your lead strategy is when in the Season of Discover, Transformation and/or Awakening. Once learned, it can be used daily. 

Dr. Meschino includes SRI with the Network sessions as part of your Chiropractic care. 


“The Twelve Stages of Healing” by Dr. Donald Epstein, 1994, Amber-Allen Publishing and New World Library.